A volte sono le persone che nessuno immagina che possano fare certe cose quelle che fanno cose che nessuno può immaginare (The Imitation Game)
Quando c'è un impegno inarrestabile verso ciò che desideri realizzare nel mondo ogni altra forza unirà le proprie forze alle tue (Sadhguru)
Benvenuto lungo la strada per una nuova rivoluzione del pensiero 
What is the point of introducing a scientific spirituality? In order to answer this question, we must first consider that those who are atheists or agnostics today were probably once believers. And this means that for a time he’ll have believed in God, in eternal life and also in a meaning of life. As a result of this becoming an atheist or agnostic will have deprived him of all these things: of that God, of that eternal life, and also of that meaning of life. And unfortunately this condition can leave a great void in each of us that nothing can ever fill, not even science. Science in fact doesn’t have another God, another eternal life or another meaning of life to offer us. It is right to introduce a scientific spirituality for atheists and agnostics for precisely this reason, namely because this void can now finally be filled. And what fills it is the model of a mind that imagines the universe to be not only scientifically valid but also capable of giving us God, eternal life and also a meaning of life.

Introduction to scientific spirituality for atheists and agnostics

What is the point of introducing a scientific spirituality?

Can a scientific spirituality work?

Can atheists and agnostics believe in God?